At DeepStore, we provide highly secure records management solutions tailored to the needs of police forces and law enforcement agencies across the UK. With extensive experience in handling sensitive police and criminal records, we ensure the highest levels of security, compliance, and efficiency in managing your documents.
Why Choose DeepStore for Police Records Management?
We help law enforcement agencies:
- Ensure records are secure and easily retrievable
- Reduce the risk of lost or misplaced records
- Ensure legal and regulatory compliance
- Benefit from cost-effective and bespoke solutions
High-Security Police Document Storage
Security and compliance are paramount in the police and criminal sector. That’s why DeepStore ensures the highest levels of security clearance and confidentiality through vetted staff and ultra-secure facilities:
- Vetted Staff (NPPV Level 3, BPSS and DBS clearance)
- GPS-tracked vehicles equipped with CCTV
- Ultra-secure storage repositories located 150m underground with no visible access
- Stable environment (15°c and 55% humidity year-round)
- Naturally free from UV light, flooding and vermin
- Bespoke room builds available
- Secure scanning facilities underground close to storage repositories
- 24-hour monitored CCTV, VESDA fire detection, air filtration and intruder alarms
- Complete chain of custody
- Secure online customer portal
Secure Destruction & Compliance
We offer secure and certified destruction services, ensuring sensitive records are disposed of in compliance with regulatory standards with a full audit trail to safeguard your organisation.
Digitisation & Scanning Services
We provide high-quality bulk scanning and scan-on-demand services, ensuring that digital police records are legally admissible in court.
Tailor-Made Service Level Agreements
DeepStore provides tailor-made Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to meet the high-level provisions required by the police and criminal sector.
Contact us Today
DeepStore is committed to protecting and managing police records with the highest levels of security and compliance. Contact us today to discuss how we can support your records management needs. Call 0345 056 5759 or fill out our simple online enquiry form, and we’ll be in touch.